Forssa Region Integration Centre
The Kotouttamo in the Forssa region helps immigrants living in Forssa, Humppila, Jokioinen, Tammela and Ypäjä. Professionals from different fields, such as social work for immigrants, the TE Office and Kela, work together in Kotouttamo.
Immigrants can get help from Kotouttamo by phone or by appointment. You can get guidance and advice on issues such as housing, education, working life, finances, residence permits, citizenship and family reunification.
The Integration Office organises various courses, events and activities for immigrants, providing them with important information. Kotouttamo also organises free Finnish language courses open to all.
At Kotouttamo, an initial assessment and a personal integration plan is made for the immigrant. The initial assessment is used to determine the immigrant's need for help and skills. In the integration plan, it is agreed how the immigrant will acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to integrate into Finnish society and enter working life.
On-call service at the Integration Centre
You can contact the Integration Office by phone on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 12.30 to 15.30 pm. Telephone interpreting is available at the Integration Office's on-call service. You can also send a text message or Whatsapp message in Finnish or English to Kotouttamo's phone. If we cannot help you on the phone, we will book an appointment for you.
Integration Office phone number: 050 339 6272 (Monday, Wednesday, Friday 12.30-15.30)